First Story
After Mom and Dad got married they moved into a private compound and became a care land taker which is also why we grew up. So when the first time they went there they were feeling like he was. First, while washing in the afternoon, suddenly he called his name but nobody. Secondly, there is a knock and calls her out of the house as if we owe a neighbor but we have no neighbors hahaha. Third, when there was an occasion in the house and they were drinking at the other house, it was just a wall between them but the house was still part of the two. So Mom was washing the dishes, and her sister was sitting on the stairs where I was looking at my baby's baby. I saw my dad go upstairs and thought he was sleeping in case he wondered if he wasn't coming up ate with my dad so mom went up and got a peek if dad was really up but he didn't see me but i was sleeping alone and dad was in the other house drinking anyway so mom was not that person. He seems to like daddy but he doesn't tell dad that he doesn't believe in them. Fourth, when the owner of the land we lived in died. The owner showed her the mother but that time she didn't know it was dead. Mommy said it was standing on our doorstep just in case the face didn't show up but she knew it was the landlord based on it. Mom has a lot of stories about where we used to live. Mom said if she was afraid she wouldn't stay in that place. Why? The spirits that live there are very different. It looks like the ground guys are cursing. Think of the land next to our home which is just the brother of our landlord is super duper scary, why? The negative energy is strong and you can be scared right away. When a tenant rented there and made a lot of bar renters there was a dispute between the owners and after that they failed and then they rented again after the tenant lost their case because the tenants did not fight back. Its like the entities do not want to live in a fight. I remember when the tenant was hired for the third time they called a spiritualist and they talked to the entities who lived in it and that was the first time I saw someone joining and the energy was different in that area compared to the area on the other side, you will destroy the other tree that is not wanted but the tree that we have is like a hurricane. In that area, many are really upset. But to be honest they never bothered me or what but they felt bad but didn't show up. We did not know that there was a cape living in the talisman tree because our path was in the middle of two large talisman trees and we passed by every night to go out and go to our shop and outside our compound there was a large acacia tree surrounded by herbs of grass. We are surrounded by woods even though we live in the city because those lands are not for sale. Just a lot of strange things happening in that area.
Second, when mom was pregnant with her sister. Mom for brave nights even buying ice on her own as if nothing was scary. During their time the puppy was still quite fashionable and not as many people as it is today. So mom went out late at night to buy ice. On the way home she was told by the tricycle drivers "Hey pregnant why are you coming out so much more here" but mom just said "Oh, I'm not scared of them" and walked home. There was no light on my way back then and the road was full of trees. As Mom walked by she suddenly heard the noise of the tree "giggle" but my mom was not scared and said "I'm not scared of you, let's just stay home and I know who you are and I'm going to your house tomorrow" and maybe scared the ghost so lost.

Third, when my mom got pregnant I almost got it. So before they moved out of the house they had a house next to my grandparents' house. And that house is just covered with curtains. One night while my mom was pregnant she had a dream and daddy was not there beside her because of work. While she was sleeping she dreamed that she had a very ugly appearance above the ceiling, that look was an old mess of hair that was very ugly and seemed to be reaching for her, her mother was afraid to come nearthe old man nailed his nails so that he quickly turned around, one inch less than he could reach for his old mom. When she woke up, she realized that she was not wearing a black dress and was still sleeping. Btw, the old man is the neighbor they say is the nachichismist ghost.
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